Cyber SafetyDigital Footprint:The bad things you say online will stay there forever-Like footprints in the sand. Even if you delete it you can’t take it back. You might be well known for something rude and inappropriate. People can copy them.So think twice before you post anything online. Never post your information online, because if you do everyone can see them. Who is watching you when you are online?:If you ever have a public account on anything everyone in the world can see whatever you post. So always remember to turn your social media account to private so you can accept or reject anyone's request to follow you. What can happen if people post false information?:Never trust everyone on the internet. You never know if they are telling the truth or if they are lying. Never click on any type of pop ups, even if they are telling you that you have won $1,000,000. All they will do is ask for your details and then they will be saved onto the internet for everyone to see. Also never photoshop, as it could lead to a total money loss. Cyber Bullying:Never speak disrespectfully online to anyone. If you bully you are not only letting yourself down, you are letting your family down. What Can You Do If You Become A Victim?:The first thing to do would be to tell someone. Never be afraid to talk to an adult, because they will help you. Don’t remark back to them because it will only make matters worse. IF YOU WON’T SAY IT IN PERSON,WHY SAY IT ONLINE?
Nice Cyber-Safety poster